Excursus on Creation of Life and Biological Diversity (Part 1): Hermeneutical Principles and Concordism

Excursus on Creation of Life and Biological Diversity (Part 2): The Literal Interpretation

Excursus on Creation of Life and Biological Diversity (Part 3): A Critique of the Literal Interpretation

Excursus on Creation of Life and Biological Diversity (Part 4): The Gap and Day-Gap Interpretations

Excursus on Creation of Life and Biological Diversity (Part 5): The Day-Age Interpretation

Excursus on Creation of Life and Biological Diversity (Part 6): The Days of Divine Proclamation Interpretation

Excursus on Creation of Life and Biological Diversity (Part 7): The Literary Framework and the Functional Creation Interpretations

Excursus on Creation of Life and Biological Diversity (Part 8): A Critique of John Walton’s Functional Creation Interpretation

Excursus on Creation of Life and Biological Diversity (Part 9): A Critique of John Walton’s Functional Creation Interpretation, Part 2

Excursus on Creation of Life and Biological Diversity (Part 10):The Monotheistic Hebrew Myth Interpretation