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Image of birds flying. Image of birds flying.

#777 More Atheist Illogic

April 03, 2022

You have obviously made your point that god had to kill all caanonite people because they were evil. So obviously your god had to kill 6 million jews in WW2. So obviously, god had to allow the killing of those people in Ww2 because they were evil too. Correct?


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Photo of Dr. Craig.

Dr. craig’s response


I realize, Mark, that your question is sarcastic, but I want to treat it seriously to help you see how illogical it is. Leave aside your misrepresentation of my position concerning the slaughter of the Canaanites. Your inference is that because the Canaanites were killed by God for their evil practices, therefore any other group of people who were killed were also killed by God for their evil practices.

Your inference is patently fallacious. It is like reasoning that “The Ukrainians are suffering mass killing because of a Russian invasion. In 1940 the Belgians also suffered mass killing. Therefore the Belgians were killed by a Russian invasion.” That would be really stupid.

So the fact that the Canaanite tribes were destroyed because of their evil doesn’t imply that any people group that suffered destruction were killed because of their evil. The innocent do suffer, too, you know.

Mark, I fear that your obvious antipathy to God is fogging your mind, preventing you from thinking clearly. For the sake of your own self-improvement, you need to shed your blinders.

- William Lane Craig