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Image of birds flying. Image of birds flying.

#840 Kevin Harris

June 18, 2023

Dear dr. Craig,

I’m a huge fan of your work and you’ve been a spiritual mentor to me for more than 15 years.

I enjoy your content and gracious demeanor. As a non native English speaker, I especially appreciate your occasional use of big words with a Latin origin!

My question to you is: how did you and Kevin begin to work together? I’d love to hear about this.

Kevin is such a great radio host… I can tell that he prepares very well for the show and the sound of his voice is such a strong and reassuring presence.


Flag of Colombia. Colombia

Photo of Dr. Craig.

Dr. craig’s response


Thanks for your kind remarks, Alejandro! I’ll pass them on to Kevin.

No one has been working with Reasonable Faith longer than Kevin Harris. We go back to the very beginning of the ministry, when I first founded it. At that time I was troubled by what I perceived to be the limited impact of my many years of ministry. I felt as though everything I had done had been done in a corner and wanted to find a way to break out to have a broader impact upon our culture.

Kevin Harris was then working as a radio DJ in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. He contacted me about doing an interview on his radio program. It went so well that Kevin proposed that we think about doing a radio show together that he could then market to various stations. I was aware that so many had used radio as a means of influencing our culture and so resonated with the idea. Kevin was unique in that he not only understood radio and had a great radio voice, but he also enjoyed apologetics and could ask intelligent questions about various issues, including hot button issues in our culture. So we agreed to partner. We actually recorded a number of shows and even signed a contract with a firm to help market our program. The vision was that “Reasonable Faith” would be a weekly radio show featuring Kevin and me.

Everything changed during an Alaskan apologetics cruise in 2005 sponsored by Stand to Reason. Greg Koukl, who had himself so effectively used radio, had invited me to be one of the speakers on this beautiful cruise. One of the other passengers on the cruise was Curt Swindoll, son of the famous pastor Chuck Swindoll. Curt worked as a consultant to various Christian ministries, so we shared with him our vision for Reasonable Faith. To our dismay, he said to us, “Bill and Jan, you don’t want to start a radio show. Christian radio is a dying breed. You need to go on the Internet instead and develop a web-based ministry.” Curt explained that instead of a radio show we could do podcasting (which I had scarcely heard of!). Needless to say, we spent a restless night following that conversation! The idea of retracing our steps and starting all over again was just a wrenching (and costly!) prospect. And yet we suspected that Curt was right and that we were going down the wrong path.

So after our return we extricated ourselves from the contract with the firm we had hired and began to raise funds for a website to be called Reasonable Faith. We hired someone to build the site and engaged a webmaster to run it. Kevin and I used the radio shows we had already recorded as our very first podcasts, so that material had not been done in vain. Ever since then, we have been getting together regularly to record our weekly Reasonable Faith podcasts. Kevin then edits and produces each show. Many listeners have expressed to me, as you have, how much they like Kevin Harris and appreciate his fine work.

- William Lane Craig