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Image of birds flying. Image of birds flying.

#137 Lightning Round

November 30, 2009

Dr Craig,

This isn't a question. I just want to express my thankfulness to you and your ministry, including everyone involved in it. Your answer to the most recent question posed by Mark brought me to my knees and reminded me that I need to continually come before my precious Lord, my Creator and Saviour and stay connected in a right relationship to Him. Sometimes a hard heart can creep up on me without me realising it. Head knowledge is so important and I'm so grateful to you for the wealth of resources you offer but, also running through it all is clearly your love and tender heart toward our loving Father and the Holy Spirit's living waters flow through your words to me. For me, you strike a perfect balance. Thank you again.


Flag of Afghanistan. Afghanistan

Photo of Dr. Craig.

Dr. craig’s response


Thanks so much for your encouragement! My heart’s desire is not just to see people become convinced of the Christian worldview but to come to know Christ personally. So I was glad to have the chance to answer Mark’s question.

- William Lane Craig