Reasonable Faith Video Podcast

Video Podcasts

Atheism and Theistic Hypotheses

KEVIN HARRIS: Dr. Craig, from time to time we talk about Keith Parsons. He continues to write, and to write about you, and to interact with you. That famous debate that occurred in the 90s – the...

The Texas Abortion Law

KEVIN HARRIS: Dr. Craig, there are so many things going on behind the scenes at Reasonable Faith and also in some upcoming podcasts that we are going to be talking about. We are going to be talking ab...

Behind the Scenes at Reasonable Faith

KEVIN HARRIS: Dr. Craig, there are so many things going on behind the scenes at Reasonable Faith and also in some upcoming podcasts that we are going to be talking about. We are going to be talking ab...

Jordan Peterson's View of God

KEVIN HARRIS: Dr. Craig, Jordan Peterson has shared the platform with you, and we’ve discussed that interaction on a previous podcast.[1] Check that event on YouTube. He is the author of the wel...

Dr. Craig Responds to John Walton

KEVIN HARRIS: Bill, we want to encourage people to go to the Defenders Series. We are going to talk a little bit about the Defenders topic and series today that mentions John Walton[1] and look at a r...

Critique of Dr. Craig's View of Divine Simplicity

KEVIN HARRIS: Bill, we are going to look at a video that interacts with some of your work. There are some good friends who have commented on some of your teaching, some of your work. In the meantime, ...

Atheist Speaks to Veritas Forum

KEVIN HARRIS: Dr. Craig, the Veritas Forum does a lot of good work in apologetics and philosophy. You’ve been on the Veritas Forum a couple of times. There is a recent one where they had a Chris...

Questions on Causality, In-House Debates, and "Word Salad"

KEVIN HARRIS: This next question comes to us from Singapore. It says, Dr. Craig often says that certain issues are in-house debates within the church – for example, biblical inerrancy. What ar...

Q & A on God's Justice, the Incarnation, and Hilbert's Hotel

KEVIN HARRIS: More questions, Dr. Craig. This one from Joel in the United States: Hello, Dr. Craig! I loved your book Reasonable Faith so much I’ve already read it twice and will probably read...

Q&A on Purpose, Plantinga, and Research Habits

KEVIN HARRIS: Hey, there! Welcome to Reasonable Faith with Dr. William Lane Craig. It’s Kevin Harris. I'm out in the backyard in Texas on a warm summer night with tons of fireflies flickerin...