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05 / 06

Dyothelitism vs. Monothelitism

Does Christ have one or two wills? Dr. Craig responds!

What Do You Mean by Free Will?

How Flexible are the Genesis Creation Narratives?

Dr. Craig discusses what it means for the Genesis creation accounts to be "flexible" and "plastic," as they are understood in the genre of mythohistory....

Why Does God Demand Our Worship? Is He Egotistical?

Ken Ham Critiques Dr. Craig's Genre Analysis of Genesis

Dr. Craig & Joshua Swamidass address Ken Ham's claim that Dr. Craig's genre analysis of Genesis is based solely on his opinion....

Are Atheists and Agnostics Culpable for Their Unbelief?

Do Preconceived Beliefs and Assumptions Make Philosophy Impossible?

Dr. Craig discusses differing philosophical methods from Thomas Aquinas, Bertrand Russell, and modern times!

Did Jesus’ Incarnation Affect the Other Persons of the Trinity?

The Most Substantive Criticisms of the Kalam Cosmological Argument!

Dr. Craig addresses the most substantive critiques of the second premise of the kalam cosmological argument.

Why Might the Left & Right Push Back on Dr. Craig's Adam Book?

Dr. Sean McDowell asks Dr. Craig about a line at the very beginning of his book anticipating disagreement on both sides of the historical Adam discussion....