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If a Christian Suffered from a Mental Disease (or Damage), Would He Still be a Christian?

 Dr. William Lane Craig is asked a question about salvation for an individual who suffers from a mental disorder or damage....

Why Would God Wait So Long to Reveal Himself? (William Lane Craig)

 Dr. William Lane Craig answers a question about God revealing Himself to us. A question that was no doubt inspired by atheist Christopher Hitchens....

Why is Christianity Right Among Other Religions? (William Lane Craig)

William Lane Craig answers a question on Christianity's exclusive claim to God and salvation.

Does the Unbeliever Have to Approach the Bible as Divinely Inspired? (William Lane Craig)

Dr. William Lane Craig says the atheist need not approach the Bible as inerrant or inspired by God to get to the truth of it....

Is Evolution an Issue with Christians? (William Lane Craig)

Dr. William Lane Craig that Darwinian evolution does not necessarily conflict with Christianity.

What is a Good Analogy of the Trinity? (William Lane Craig)

Dr. William Lane Craig gives his own analogy of the Holy Trinity.

God's Omniscience and Man's Free-will (William Lane Craig)

Dr. William Lane Craig gives his explanation on man's free-will in relation to God's omniscience.

A and B Theory of Time and the Kalam Cosmological Argument (William Lane Craig)

Dr. William Lane Craig explains the A and B Theory of Time in relation to the Kalam Cosmological Argument. Dr. Craig defends the A Theory of Time.This is part of the "Defending the Cosmological Argume...

Jesus and the Story of Osiris and Horus (William Lane Craig)

 Dr. William Lane Craig answers the question: Is Jesus' life parallel to the story of Osiris and Horus?...

Christianity and Necessary Objects (William Lane Craig)

Dr. William Lane Craig briefly states his views on Christianity and necessary objects, like numbers, the laws of logic, etc....