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05 / 06

Does Divine Simplicity Contradict the Trinity?

Dr. Craig discusses Divine Simplicity with Ryan Mullins and Cameron Bertuzzi. QUESTIONER: Here’s a question from Psuedo Nym (a very clever name). Isn't the elephant in the room is the &ldq...

Dr. Craig Talks with a Young Earth Creationist!

In a class at HCU on the historical Adam, Dr. Craig dialogues with a student who is upset about the treatment of Young Earth Creationists in their academic pursuits! QUESTIONER: Hey, Dr. Craig. In r...

Circular Reasoning? We Know the Bible Is Inspired Because It Says It Is?

I think as Christians we do believe that the text is inspired because it says so. As a systematic theologian, I want to look at the doctrine of God, the doctrine of creation, the doctrine of man. What...

How Should Pastors Teach the Early Chapters of Genesis?

What should pastors include in their messages about the early narratives in Genesis? I don't think that we should try to explain too much when we're not teaching this material. So if one is ...

Dr. Craig Debates on Why God Can’t Be a Computer

A classic clip of Dr. Craig refuting biologist Dr. Lewis Wolpert and providing some simple teaching on Kalam 101. INTERVIEWER: There is one clip that I wanted to share just from one debate that you ...

How Can We Trust the Bible if Humans Were Involved in Its Writing?

If God has middle knowledge, I think we can trust that the text is exactly what God wanted to communicate to us, because he knew what Paul would write in AD 55 if he were to send a letter to the churc...

What Are the Cosmological Arguments for God?

Dr. Craig often defends the Kalam cosmological argument, but are there other cosmological arguments for God? The cosmological argument more broadly would simply seek a ground for the existence of th...

What Is the Distinction Between the Literary and the Historical Adam?

Dr. Sean McDowell asks Dr. Craig to clarify differences and give examples of the literary and historical Adams. DR. SEAN MCDOWELL: Make a distinction for us between what you call the literary and th...

Does Genesis One Teach Creation Ex Nihilo?

A lot depends on what you mean by the word "teach" here. I don't think that Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth," asserts explicitly "out of nothing." It doesn'...

How Do We Separate Historic From Fantastic Language in Genesis 1-11?

Well, I don't know that there are any really hard and fast criteria, but I can think of a couple that could be applied. One would be when the narrative affirms something that we know that the Pent...