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Is Jordan Peterson’s Psychological Approach to Genesis Legitimate?

Dr. Craig offers his thoughts on the appropriateness of Jordan Peterson's psychological approach to the first book of the Bible! DR. PETERSON: I've been speaking to and watching and listenin...

The Incredible Significance of the Resurrection!

Dr. Craig shares a list of the life-giving impacts of the resurrection of Jesus! The resurrection of Jesus, then, is not just some past event of history but it has theological and practical implicat...

Case for the Resurrection in 2 Minutes!

Dr. Craig quickly shares the evidence and the significance of the resurrection! My doctoral work at the University of Munich was on this question, and I was quite taken aback, quite surprised to dis...

Did Jesus Think Adam Was a Historical Figure?

The question here would be whether Jesus might simply be referring to the literary Adam, that figure that features in the stories of Genesis 2 and 3, rather than speaking of a historical individual. I...

Does the Resurrection Really Matter?

Some people say they believe in the resurrection, but it doesn't have any impact on their lives. Dr. Craig responds! JOHN ANDERSON: The research suggests that a minimum (the lowest figure I'...

Why Should Churches Engage in Apologetics?

Dr. Craig comments on what is at stake if churches disengage in Christian apologetics. INTERVIEWER: What do you think is at stake for churches, and why should churches spend time investing resources...

Can God Have a Human Virtue Like Courage?

This is a really wonderful question. Courage is clearly a moral virtue; it is morally virtuous to be courageous rather than cowardly. And yet, when you think about it, courage is not a moral virtue th...

How Can Jesus Dying for the Guilty be Morally Right?

Dr. Craig discusses "vicarious liability" as it relates to the Atonement. This question was submitted online following his lecture for Apologia Sweden. INTERVIEWER: We don’t allow in our lega...

Was the Crucifixion Motivated by God’s Wrath?

In one sense, certainly God is wrathful with sin. Think about it – if God were indifferent about a little girl being brutally raped and tortured, what sort of God would that be? A God of love wi...

How did the First Sin Impact Creation?

Dr. Craig and a questioner from the historical Adam class at HCU ponder the question of how Adam and Eve's sin could've had a cosmic impact on all of creation. QUESTIONER: How do we understa...